R e s o u r c e s

Research, articles, videos from past gatherings, and additional resources

Exploring the Pandemic Impact on Congregations (EPIC) with Scott Thumma and Q&A

Presented at the March 2022 ECFPL Director's +1 Virtual Gathering


Research & Articles

A variety of works relevant to the economic challenges facing pastoral leaders

Covid-19 Resources

A collection of grantee-produced and/or curated resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic

Gathering First Fruits

A collection of videos that tells the story of the January 2019 Gathering First Fruits National Summit


Videos from past gatherings

Big Picture & Creative Dreaming

Brian Williams

April 2021 Directors +1 Gathering



Key Concepts Revisited 

Rick Foss

April 2021 Directors +1 Gathering


Well Being In Trying Times

Matt Bloom

November 2020 Team Leadership Gathering



Relationships with Underresourced Communities

Rev. Dr. Reggie Blount

November 2020 Team Leadership Gathering


Relationships with Donors

Aimée A. Laramore

November 2020 Team Leadership Gathering



ECFPL Resource Organizations

Research & Articles

The work of the Theological School Initiative to Address Economic Challenges Facing Future Ministers, coordinated by the ATS (Association of Theological Schools), offers rich resources targeted toward seminaries and student.

View resource

C. Kirk Hadaway and Penny Long Marler engaged both the collected research produced by planning grantees and national economic data to produce the 2017 ECFPL Research Report.

View resource

COVID-19 Resources

These lists represent a collection of grantee-produced and/or curated resources related to the COVID-19 pandemic. Grantees have, of course, developed many more resources than are found here. We have tried to focus on resources related to the economics of ministry, rather than worship or other topics (other partners have been curating in these spaces, including our friends at the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship and at Faith and Leadership). To suggest additional resources, please email Elise Barrett at [email protected].

Have something to add to our shared resources?

We'd appreciate you taking the time to share it with us! 

We will only use your email address if we have any questions about the resource you shared. You will not be added to any mailing lists.